Tag Archives: new York City
Other Half Brewing Revisited 2019
LIC Beer Project – Long Island City New York
LIC Beer Project is in Long Island City. It is close to the subway stop making it easy to get to from Manhattan. Since I was staying in the Lower East Side of Manhattan I was able to get there along the F without transferring. They don’t serve tasters but will allow you to get a splash of beer prior to ordering a full pour. They were originally focusing on Belgians but now their tap list has added tons of hazy IPAs that they release in cans fairly regularly. The photos included in this post were sadly taken on my phone because I lost my camera I had the day before my visit.
I started with the Gal Friday Berliner Weisse. It had a cloudy yellow appearance and was super juicy with flavors of intense guava and mild passion fruit. The beer was mildly tart and quite impressive. The Higher Burning IPA was creamy with light vanilla, hints of bubblegum, and bright citrus flavors with mild hop acidity.

The Hollows DIPA was soft and creamy with intense citrus and medium hop acidity. It ended with notes of grass and mango. The barley wine had notes of cherry and grape on the nose with a light caramel taste that mixed nicely with bitter chocolate and occasional hints of dark fruit. It could have been a little sweeter but as it was I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I’m glad I made the trip out to LIC beer but I would have liked if they had offered flights so I could taste more of the beers in one visit. I look forward to returning in a future visit to New York City.
Come for delicious berliner weisse and hazy IPAs.
New York City Beer Adventures Part 3 – Brooklyn Brewery
I made the mistake of visiting Brooklyn Brewery on a Saturday because it turns out that is when they offer free tours. I was a bit annoyed while I was there at how crowded it was and didn’t realize why until after I left. It is a huge brewery and has been around for quite some time. Getting there from New York City on the subway can be a challenge because there are quite a few sections of walking required before you reach it. Even more walking is required if you decide the food truck isn’t up to snuff and go in search of Brooklyn Pizza instead.
I was disappointed by their use of plastic cups. I also didn’t like how they charged 2 tokens ($5 each) for the double IPA while everything else was one token. They also don’t offer taster flights so if you are planning on trying all of the beers in one visit you better bring a bunch of friends.
Despite all of the negatives, I went straight for the double IPA because I didn’t want to try to order both the IPA and the double IPA on an empty stomach. The double has a nice citrus/grapefruit bite with some smooth caramel malts flavors. Though I really enjoyed it I’m not sure I would suggest paying $10 for a pint of it.

I ended up eating at a nearby pizza place called Vinny’s Pizza because I didn’t want to wait for the food truck. Though it was a decent walk to get there, it was worth the distance because the pizza was fantastic. I suggest you stop by Vinny’s on your way to the brewery so you are able to stay as long as you want once inside and don’t have to leave to grab something from a food truck.